The property settlement process is one of the toughest parts of a separation and it’s important to take care of your interests.

You can protect your assets with a personalised, strategised trust – an arrangement that is specifically drafted to match your needs and circumstances.

Selecting Your Trust

In order to legally protect your assets, it’s essential to choose the correct trust. There are many “sham” trusts available, including “off the shelf”, “internet” and “one size fits all” trusts.

Many of these are made to appear legitimate but when a marriage or de facto relationship breaks down, these options won’t protect you.

A genuine trust is a serious investment vehicle that takes into account your personal and family circumstances, the risks involved, and the outcomes you wish to achieve.

Tailor Your Trust

At Antunes Lawyers, we combine personalised service, attention to detail and clever strategy with our extensive expertise in trusts and family law. This allows us to draft a customised trust that will achieve your goals. With our assistance, you can protect your assets and drive your investments.

Tim Arvanitis and Margaret Antunes will get to know you and provide you with options for establishing a properly structured trust that matches your needs and circumstances.

Contact our expert team.  Call 02 9964 0499 or visit us in North Sydney.

The articles on this website comprise legal general information and not legal advice. The general information presented here must not be relied upon without legal advice being sought. In the event that you wish to obtain legal advice on the contents of this general information you may do so by contacting our office or your existing solicitor.

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