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I don’t want to be an executor. What can I do?

A person can renounce their role as an executor so long as they have not intermeddled with the estate, including taking actions such as, contacting asset holders, paying estate debts and generally…

Cryptocurrency in Family Law Property Settlements

When parties separate in Australia, the Family Law Act requires a fair division of joint assets. Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that enables parties to move currency without a financial…

What is an Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Programme?

At present, Australian reporting entities who provide designated services must have an Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) programme contained as a written document of…

Who do you trust to look after your money?

If you were suddenly in a condition where you were unable to make decisions for yourself, who would you trust to manage your finances and sign legal documents on your behalf? A Power of Attorney is…

How Addbacks Can Affect Your Separation

While most family law disputes centre around how the parties contributed during the relationship, and what adjustments should be made to a party depending on their current circumstances, there are…

Superannuation Changes: The Things You Need To Know

A guardianship appointment is a document that allows you to appoint someone to make health, lifestyle and personal decisions on your behalf in circumstances where you do not have the capacity to make…

Essential Tax & Super Update: All the important info you need this new financial year

A guardianship appointment is a document that allows you to appoint someone to make health, lifestyle and personal decisions on your behalf in circumstances where you do not have the capacity to make…

What is a guardianship appointment?

A guardianship appointment is a document that allows you to appoint someone to make health, lifestyle and personal decisions on your behalf in circumstances where you do not have the capacity to make…

Why you should register your trade mark

By registering your trade mark, you are guaranteeing your right to exclusively use your trade mark for your goods and services in the classes that you have registered it under. It removes the…