
Executor choosing a lawyer

Are you an Executor of a Will? Feeling overwhelmed with the responsibilities and duties that encompass administering an Estate? Here at Antunes Lawyers we specialise in all things Wills and Estates and are here to guide you through the process.

What is Estate Administration?

Estate administration is the process where an Executor will carry out their job under the Will, by finalising the assets of the estate and distributing the estate to the beneficiaries nominated under the Will.

An Executor of an Estate, is not obliged to engage the Law Firm who initially drafted the deceased’s Will when undergoing the estate administration process.  In fact, it is more beneficial to engage a firm known for their expertise in this area.

How Can Antunes Lawyers Help?

We have a dedicated Wills and Estate team who have in-depth experience and knowledge in dealing with:

  • Complex Wills, including informal Wills;
  • Complex estates
  • Intricate company and trust structures;
  • Asset protection advice;
  • Estate litigation and dispute resolution;
  • Complicated family relationships;
  • Blended families;
  • Property disposal; and
  • Estate taxation requirements and pension advice.

We pride ourselves on our ability to produce high quality work and advice for our clients in line with the wishes of the deceased and the surviving family. Our well-versed team values our clients and their needs, whose testimonials point to our exceptional capabilities and skills.

What makes us Different?

We understand that every Will is unique and we are dedicated to providing bespoke advice tailored to the needs of the Estate, the Executors and the Beneficiaries. Throughout the course of a matter, Executors remain updated concerning all the moving parts as the matter progresses, while we take on the heavy lifting behind the scenes.

We would be pleased to work alongside you in your role as Executor to guide you through every step of the Estate Administration process with care, competency and knowledge. We can ensure a straight-forward process that tackles any and all concerns you may have or issues that may arise.

Contact our expert Wills and Estates team today. Call us on 02 9964 0499 or use the contact form below.

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